Two men smiling and laughing
If you're a self-starter and innovative problem solver committed to making a difference in your community, we want you on our team.
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Innovative thinkers - join our team

Synovus continues to evolve with our customers’ ever-changing needs and expectations. We’re looking for sharp, innovative, and hard-working team members to join our Technology/Security team. If you’re a self-starter interested in expanding your knowledge and staying on the cutting edge of new technologies, we want you here at Synovus.

In addition to developing and maintaining better ways to serve our customers, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a growing team of creative, like-minded team members who enjoy pushing the envelope in a modern workplace.

Our Technology/Security team continuously matures and refines our digital infrastructure to better support our customers and team members.

We’re eager to hire highly talented individuals with expertise in industry-leading technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud migration, virtual desktop, user behavior analytics, and blockchain.

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